Friday, May 25, 2007

Nate McCullough don't like brown people

well, not all brown folk, but he sure has a problem with them illegal Mexicans (emphasis mine):

And there are a lot more Joe Averages (right now at least) than illegal immigrants, and the Averages are not happy with having to learn Spanish to order at the drive-thru and watching people who aren't supposed to be here in the first place protesting - a right reserved for citizens.

Not to get all catty but dude, I've seen your pic; I imagine your daily drive-thru ordering is, shall we say, a pretty intense transaction and probably difficult enough to comprende in your native Hillbonics.


"County urging safety for weekend"

Filed under "you can't make this stuff up" -- that's the actual headline title for this story, the above-the-fold 84-point-typer.

IIRC, the New Republic once held a "Most Boring Headline" contest and the winner was "Election Turnout in Netherlands Lower than Expected." And yeah, that's pretty good but--

I think we have a worldbeater here.
