Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"If the country of Liberia can use it, why can' we?"

Who says Georgia Republicans have no vision?

The House Governmental Affairs panel focused on a controversial voter bill that would require photo identification at the polls.

The law actually passed last year, with Everson’s special election last summer becoming the first where photo IDs were required. But the law was suspended in October by a federal judge.

Everson said he supports the Republican initiative, which caused blacks to walk out of the Legislature during debates last year. There were no problems reported during the special election.
“If the country of Liberia can use it, why can’t we?” Everson said.
Dare to dream--of Liberia! If Ralph Reed continues to get slimed in the wake of the Abramoff scandal, I guess they can always draft this guy to run in his place:
